New Relic is an observability platform that helps you build better software. You can bring in data from any digital source so that you can fully understand your system and how to improve it.

New Relic :
New Relic is a Software as a Service offering that focuses on performance and availability monitoring. It uses a standardized Apdex (application performance index) score to set and rate application performance across the environment in a unified manner.
Analyze data :

With your data secure at New Relic, our platform can alert you to problems and help you organize, process, and understand your data, whether it’s metrics, events, logs, or traces:
Explore your data visually: Jump into our data explorer to navigate all your data and make connections between your entities without any knowledge of query languages.
Metrics gathering :
New Relic APM gathers metrics on web transactions, including response time on the web server side, throughput expressed in requests per minute and application errors over time, as well as metrics on individual HTTP requests. The tool also digs into the metrics of major database applications, such as SQL, to report response times and throughput, time per query, slow queries and other details that help pinpoint SQL statements that might bog down a website.

New Relic APM provides detailed error analytics that identify the exact error locations and classify the associated transactions and error types. Admins can filter results to tease out specific error details and attributes for each trace
How New Relic works
An agent collects a range of performance details, such as the amount of time the code requires to build each webpage and page load time. Administrators can review these details, identify any factors that might delay performance, and determine the root of the delays. Dashboards point out issues in real time and track trends over time. When an issue is discovered, administrators and developers can take corrective action such as a code update and then compare the performance differences to objectively determine the effect of any changes.
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