
Store is a collection of multiple products, where the buyer can bid and buy products. The store is created and maintained by the seller. In store we can view products, edit products, post products and buy products. 

Create store

Sellers create their own store. The main purpose of the store is we can post products in the store that will easy for the buyers to look for the products and buy the products from the specific store. We can post products, edit the existing products. Posting the products based on the categories. Seller of the store has all options to customize their store. There are two ways in posting a product.

  1. In first case the seller posts the products in the marketplace that will be visible in the marketplace and store. While posting a product there will an option like Store, Marketplace and Both.  If Store is enabled it will display in store alone. If Marketplace is enabled it will display only in marketplace. If both is enabled it will display in both store and marketplace. The buyer can look for the products bid or buy the product.
  2. In other case the seller post the product in the store and share the product to the buyer. Only the specified buyer can view and bid/buy the product. 

Edit store

We can edit the store as per the products listings when needed. We can create new store and edit the store. There are many sellers with different stores.

Edit categories

We can edit the categories as per the requirement. Based on the category the products will display. Searching and sorting is also there is store.

View store

The sellers and buyers can view the store. But only the owner of the store has access to customize the store as per the needs.



  • Total sales of the stores.
  • Total online store visits
  • Repeat customers
  • Product Bids
  • Average cost per customer

It also has an option to show the customers list and the report of the products and customers. The customers provides feedback that will be helpful to analyze the best store