
Event is same as store.  It is a collection of multiple products, where the buyer can bid and buy products. The event is created and maintained by the seller. In store we can view events, edit events, post events and buy events, same as in event also we can perform all the actions. 

Create Event

Creating an event is same as store, after creating an event we can pull the inventory to the event so that all the products posted will be displayed in your event.  We can edit the categories as per the requirement it will reflect in both store and event. Based on the category the products will display. Searching and sorting is also there in events. We can also list the products based on the categories. Only the categories we have added will be listed in the view events.

The seller creates the event and shares it to the buyer. Only the specified buyer can view and bid/buy the product. The buyer can look for the products bid or buy the product. After buying a product the buyer can donate the amount to the charity. 

Pull Inventory

Pull Inventory is that we can pull the products from the inventory to events. So all the products will be in both events and marketplace.

Event Theme

There will be a list of themes, where we can edit the themes for the events.

View Event

The sellers and buyers can view the events. But only the owner of the event has access to customize the store as per the needs.

Event Analytics


  • Total Event Sales
  • Total Event Visits
  • Donations Collected
  • Product Bids 
  • Average Event Products Sales

Also Event customers where we can view event customer purchase, my customer list for events and add customers. In Event management, we can edit the event, Add Expected Total Donation Amount and Donor Range. Donors where we can Add Donors, Manage donor, Import Donor, Export Donor. We can add Advertisements in Advertise Management. We can also view bids leader board and donation leaderboard.