- Add Bidder
- Manage Bidder
- Import Bidder
- Export Bidder
Add Bidder:
In add Bidder, we can add the bidders as much as we can and also the bidder can bid or buy on the products as he likes from our charity site by using the credentials.
Manage Bidder:
We can also manage the bidders by editing as per our convenient by location and other details as per the above image. If we wants to delete the bidder we can also delete from the manage bidder list.
Import Bidder:
In Import bidder, we can able to import more number of bidders by creating the csv file and for reference we can download the sample csv file and this is a added advantage for importing bidders.
Export Bidder:
After importing the bidders, we can check all the added bidders in a single csv file by the Export Bidder option.
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