Sales Tax:
Each invoice is determined if the document is valid for that Lot. The admin has the option to view all the details of the exemption and go through it manually and approve. Certain states require to validate a document, each state is different. Admin can upload manually documents from admin for specific states.
Admin uploads documents manually for each state. This will be visible for the users in the profile based on the states. Varied states have different ways to calculate sales tax. Each product based on location; items will be requiring different types of documents from invoice. If Document is validated and approved, each invoice will have an option to apply the exemption. When an Exempt Document has expired, the users will be notified.
Product Posting:
While posting products seller will choose what type of sales tax documents would be applicable for that product. Each product can have different types of documents required. Based on this, invoice can contain multiple products. There are also validations based on each type of document and checks during the user is uploading that document for the product.
Bid permission:
Users without uploading the document will not be allowed to participate in bidding. And if the document is expired, users will not be able to participate in bidding.
When a user wants to bid for a lot, Compliance document should be uploaded in profile,
• Select the state
• Select the document
• Upload compliance document
• Enter validity date for the document
• Click save.
Admin has to approve the document provide by the user. Only after completing above steps user will be allowed to bid. And once the validity date is expired, users will not be allowed to bid. If document is rejected, they can upload the file again.