Penny Auction API

Penny Auction API Penny Auction API Overview 1.Registration API   Registration is done through auction software’s authentication service. Since payment gateways are involved, we support only HTTPS. We authenticate with basic authentication and cookie sessions. Only after registering, the user will have access to post product, admin panel(if super admin) and other segments. The registration..

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Add Sponsors

We can add the sponsors by adding the sponger image and the url link as we want to add the particular sponsor for our charity.The added sponsors will be scrolled at the bottom of the Leader board page.  

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In the Leaderboard tab, We can able to view the bidding details such as number of bids for a particular product, bidder name and also the amount he has bidded on that product. The price will be automatically updated whenever the bidder is bidding on the product.The total amount will be displayed at the top..

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Add Donors Manage Donors Import Donors Export Donors Add Donor: In Add Donors, we can add the donors for our charity and let the donors to donate some money  when he wins a products through bidding. Manage Donor: After adding the donor, we can manage the donor in the list by edit or delete option..

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Add Bidder Manage Bidder Import Bidder Export Bidder Add Bidder: In add Bidder, we can add the bidders as much as we can and  also the bidder can bid or buy on the products as he likes from our charity site by using the credentials. Manage Bidder: We can also manage the bidders by editing..

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Forward Auction API Overview

1.Registration API Registration is done through auction software’s authentication service. Since payment gateways are involved, we support only HTTPS. We authenticate with basic authentication and cookie sessions. Only after registering, the user will have access to post product, admin panel(if super admin) and other segments. The registration API brings the following formidable features Registration as..

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AWS architecuture for Auctionsoftware Node js Projects to be followed

We should not select multiple core instance. It should be either single or max 2 core Ec2 instance. For example M4 or M3 medium. Load balancer (LB) should be used to balance the load between instances and websockets. There should be atleast 2 instances running parallely and attached to LB so that load can be..

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Store and edit store

Our marketplace offers members to create their own store front directly integrated with your entire marketplace where you can promote items and services instantly.

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Attachment limit manager

Admin has set up attachment limit for each membership plan and user can upload number of images for product based on the plan. if upload limit exceeds user has to upgrade to higher plan.

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